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Saturday, September 26, 2020

LIBE 477B Reading Review #2 Literature Research and Data Collection

 Literature Research and Data Collection


After further thought about my key words posted in my previous blog, I began to narrow my focus to the B.C.’s core competencies (thinking, communication, personal/social), metacognition, and self-awareness.  The e-portfolio was designed with the competencies in mind.  Headings were identified as: About Me, School, and My Goals. 


Ashley, G. C., & Reiter-Palmon, R. (2012). Self-awareness and the evolution of leaders: 

            The need for a better measure of self-awareness. Journal of Behavioral and 

            Applied Management, 14(1), 2-17. Retrieved from

In LIBE 477, the discussion on how to mold 21st century learners underlines the course content.  Ashley and Reuter-Palmon’s study uses a 54 item scale to study students working collaboratively and to measure their level of self-awareness.  The authors argue that with a strong sense of self comes a better knowledge of areas needing improvement, which characterizes solid leadership skills.


The scale used incorporates already established scales with key words like: creativity, emotional intelligence, metacognition, and socially desirable responding (Ashley & Reuter-Palmon, 2012).  These key words connect with B.C.’s core competencies and many of the topics offered in the MBP Portfolio.


Lucas Educational Foundation, G. (2018, October 14). What's Metacognition-and Why Does it Matter? Retrieved September 23, 2020, from

This short, but informative video for educators helps guide an introduction to metacognition, its definition in its simplest terms, and examples of what kind of self-talk it involves like “Can I apply what I learned in different contexts?” and “Do I need help or clarification?” I am already envisioning using the School section in MBP (My Blueprint) for reflective activities for math check-ins, inquiry projects, and research studies.  In MBP, under “My Goals”students are able to set up goals, an action plan, and reflect throughout the process using video, audio, and written formats.



Newton, T. (2011). Embracing otherness, embracing myself [Video file]. Retrieved from



Actor Thandie Newton discusses her sense of self and coming to terms with her sense of “otherness”.  Newton states “... that self becomes the vehicle for navigating our social world. But the self is a projection based on other people's projections. Is it who we really are? Or who we really want to be, or should be” (2011).  She goes on to explain that to be authentic, a person needs to have a clear sense of oneness.  


Giving students the opportunity to explore who they are, what they are interested in, their values, personal goals, and their thought processes creates a foundation from where they know the progress they have made from learning, problem-solving, making mistakes, and finding joy in their successes.  MBP provides a digital and collaborative opportunity to explore their oneness.  Because other teachers and parents can also view and comment (I have yet to discover if their peers can also comment from their accounts) there is instant feedback.

Hyland, N., & Kranzow, J. (2012). The E-Portfolio: A Tool and a Process for 

            Educational Leadership. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 23(2), 69-

            91 Retrieved September 23, 2020 from https://web-a-ebscohost-

Hyland and Kranzow provide evidence of increased learner engagement and motivation when students use a digital portfolio.  This article made me cognizant of whether of not my Grade 3s are going to “buy in” to using MyBlueprint.  Just because a platform involves using a device does not mean students will create output that is a true representation of their understanding.  I had used MBP during remote learning primarily for families to post work and provide feedback.  Many students (or parents) preferred students to work by hand and take a picture of assignments.  A few students that were given the independence, but not the initial guidance of how to use the program, to post their own work.  I was receiving finger drawing from the Paint option of a stick figure rather than a thought-out, quality representation of an art masterpiece.  This is just an isolated example, but Hyland and Kranzow’s article gives me more confidence that with proper teacher guidance and support, I will find more success with students on MBP as we are face-to-face and taking smaller steps together.  Developing an e-portfolio also allows me to reflect on my own instruction: were the activities presented meaningful and engaging for students?  What could improve upon?  



Images Used: (n.d.). Retrieved September 22, 2020, from

ULC, B. (n.d.). Your own personal emoji. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from


Ashley, G. C., & Reiter-Palmon, R. (2012). Self-awareness and the evolution of leaders: 

            The need for a better measure of self-awareness. Journal of Behavioral and 

            Applied Management, 14(1), 2-17. Retrieved from 


Hyland, N., & Kranzow, J. (2012). The E-Portfolio: A Tool and a Process for 

            Educational Leadership. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching23(2), 69–


Lucas Educational Foundation, G. (2018, October 14). What's Metacognition-and Why Does it 

            Matter? Retrieved September 23, 2020, from


Newton, T. (2011). Embracing otherness, embracing myself [Video file]. Retrieved from







Saturday, September 19, 2020

September 19, 2020 LIBE 477 Reading Review #1 

Keywords to Guide my Inquiry in Metacognition and Self Awareness

To broaden my understanding of this inquiry, experimenting with MyBlueprint for myself will help me focus on how to introduce each section clearly for students.  As aforementioned, this platform is already district-approved and is set up on the school iPads.

Some topics I would like to research further into are:

digital literacy and building specialized vocabulary for this platform
- ethical online behaviour
- video and image publishing (I am still working on this as well!)
- constructivist, reflective, and inquiry-based pedagogical methods
- benefits of online portfolio platforms


Keywords have been placed in bold throughout this blog post to help with future literature searches:

intellectual, personal, social growth
personal learning networks
self awareness
visual collaborative learning hub
big idea
core competencies
digital literacy


Our school theme is “The power of yet”.  As I continue my inquiry, keywords may change and setbacks are expected.  The exploration in itself is a process helps contribute to successes made in the future:

 September 17, 2020 LIBE 477 Reading Review #1

Curricular Connections, Useful Pedagogy, Digital Enrichment to Support METACOGNITION and SELF AWARENESS

Many of us educators have survived the first full week of school.  As I am currently teaching late primary (Grade 3) in Langley, B.C. I feel like I am just beginning to navigate and fully understand the province’s redesigned curriculum and then a new predicament presents itself.  

September is usually filled with excitement, inquiry, challenges, and successes; due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the rising infection numbers, particularly in the Fraser Health community, the challenges and stresses seem amplified.  However, there are also some positive reflections to take away from this - students, more than ever, are grateful to be back in the classroom with their teacher, new friends, and non-enrolling teachers continue to lend their services with generosity, patience, and vigour.

So, learner engagement is high due to the long hiatus from face-to-face instruction, but important experiences like peer collaboration, professional teacher guidance, stamina, literacy proficiency is varied.  How can I encourage metacognition, self awareness in terms of intellectual, personal, and social growth with their new personal learning network, and help develop these skills to lay the foundations for success in the present and future?

British Columbia’s redesigned curriculum still outlines essential subject areas like literacy and numeracy concepts and processes critical to learning.  With the introduction of core competencies like communication, thinking, personal, and social, students are able to take content presented, and relate it to a big idea.  This is where I want to land after my inquiry.  Using a constructivist and reflective pedagogical approach, I would like to use a platform, like MyBlueprint, for students to explore and describe their passions, journal and track their learning, and create a virtual collaborative learning hub for the classroom.  I would like for students to build their own representations of their learning and incorporate this new understanding to their pre-existing knowledge and relate it to their world.  Students take an active role in their growth and this footprint carries on to future endeavours beyond Grade 3.

Building Student Success - BC's New Curriculum. (2016). Retrieved September 18, 2020, from


September 18, 2020 LIBE 477 Reading Review #1

What is MyBlueprint?

As we work towards building skills and introducing technologies that support 21st century learning, there are many platforms to choose from when I pursue my inquiry on metacognition and focus on the individual learner.  Remote learning during Spring 2020 forced many educators to incorporate platforms that were FOIPPA-approved, but we were unable to take the quality time to understand them for ourselves.  I was already using Class Dojo in-class to promote communication between home and school, personal portfolios, create a class feed to encourage collaboration and inclusivity, lessons that focused on growth mind set and perseverance, and classroom management.  Then, Microsoft Teams, MyBlueprint, Mathology were strongly encouraged.  I have never used any of them.  Balancing online learning as well as educating my own elementary-aged children at home, did not allow me to really delve into the programs.

My Blueprint is an online, visual student driven portfolio.  Teachers are able to create a classroom where families can connect from home, students can represent their learning in multimodal ways (video/draw function/audio/pictures), and teachers/peers can provide feedback in visual and written methods.  Students can also explore and describe their interests, abilities, passions, and goals.  Documenting their learning and growth in this setting will also follow students up to Grade 12 as the personal education number is used for access.


Plans in the working ...

With the support of the TL at my school, we already have planned collaboration times to introduce MyBlueprint to my class, and help them explore each section.  I have collaborated with my cohort teacher to combine our iPads to make a class set so we can alternate week by week.  MyBlueprint is already a district-approved app.  I hope this will take care of handling paperwork by hand: the class binders can be cumbersome for students to load, papers can be disorganized, and the digital presentation can be visually engaging for students.  Perhaps this will encourage the class to hand in their “best work”; work and reflections that they can be proud of and want to present to their peers and families. (2019). Retrieved September 17, 2020, from