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Thursday, March 9, 2023

LIBE 467 Assignment 2. Collaborate with a Teacher and Evolve Their Practice

We need courage.

Brene Brown outlines 4 impactful ways to be an effective leader:
  1. Be vulnerable.
  2. Live your values.
  3. Build trust.
  4. Practice resilience.
When approaching collaboration with classroom teachers, Brown outlines important skills that leaders like TLs must demonstrate. As with students, using attentive and non-judgmental communication skills that nurture a relationship built on trust can open the door to collaborative opportunities. Clarifying that progressing forward will be new and personal and so making mistakes is okay and expected will help further and deepen the journey of collaboration and evolving practice with colleagues.

Below are two teachers (pseudonyms) who are at varying levels of concern, a description of their pedagogy and practice, as well as an outlined approach that will support each educator to a more complex level of learning.


Billy began his education degree later in life.  He previously worked jobs that were independent and required little interpersonal and communication skills.  Although hesitant to commit to the year, Billy reluctantly took a Grade 4 job share where he works 4 days a week and his partner, with decades of experience in K-5, has taken 1 day.  She is on medical leave and is slowly working her way back to full-time, although it will probably not occur until the following year.  This will be his second contract, the first contract was a term in middle school.

Billy presents as a confident and busy educator.  He arrives early to school and can often be found photocopying or looking on the internet for lesson plans.  He books the shared iPad cart quite often and in large blocks (up to 4 hours a day).  Although he seems like he is able to use technology to support his teaching, like using the Smart Board, he is actually just using it as a projector.  The iPad cart is booked for long periods to "babysit" students while he is running small group instruction, and he very rarely responds to e-mails and needs support with the functions of Outlook email.  Many of his neighbouring teachers and the TL have reached out to suggest a mentor, or provide resources, or suggestions as he is very unfamiliar with the way things are run in K-5.  He has been shown numerous times how to use the catalogue, yet he continues to ask for 30 copies of very specific book titles from the LC in a short period of time.

Most recently, Billy and other Grade 4 teachers have been working on Biome projects as part of their Science curriculum.  The TL has offered a menu of options: resources from the catalogue collections, collaboration time to support students with finding appropriate resources for their research and help to cite information, and time with the TL to explore digital resources like World Books.  He has rarely used vetted resources from the district and has often had students "google" using the iPads.  Unfortunately, he has not followed through with any suggestions given, but when approached again, seems interested in digital resources to use with his students but says he doesn't have the time.

"The [CBAM] model (and other developmental models of its type) holds that people considering and experiencing change evolve in the kinds of questions they ask and in their use of whatever the change is" (Loucks-Horsley).  There is no doubt that Billy is overwhelmed with the management of his classroom as well as the many expectations he needs to fulfill as the majority of FTE teacher with little to no practical experience besides his practicum.  Using the basics of some of the technology provided at the school illustrates his desire to be innovative, but the devices are used as a substitution for pencil and paper activities.  Billy is between non-use and orientation levels of use of the innovation.  He wants his students to learn how to independently research critically, but he doesn't know how.  He would like to know more about programs and platforms, but he doesn't feel like he has the time as he is still learning to do the basics like creating a balanced literacy program, gathering assessment data for report cards, or just how to log on to parent-teacher appointments.

CBAM: Typical Behaviours

"Subsequent research on school change has confirmed that changes in classroom practice can take anywhere from three to five years to be fully implemented"  (Loucks-Horsley, 1996).  

Teachers often start by meeting students where they are ATand moving from there... 

Supporting Billy

"Within the Library Learning Commons where the goal is increased student success, the teacher-librarian is a key instructional specialist who promotes reading, inquiry, and the effective use of
resources" (SD35).  

Billy is working with an experienced Grade 4 team and they have shared their unit plans and resources.  He doesn't feel confident he will be able to meet the goals of the unit and so has agreed to meet with the TL one morning to review the unit.  

The TL will support Billy in diverse ways:

  • The TL will review the goals of the unit and highlight what Billy feels is manageable.
  • Choose achievable activities from those goals and connect with a menu of technology options that the TL can either collaborate planning with appropriate resources or co-teach during collaboration times:
    • World Book online
    • QR codes to vetted websites
    • field trips either in-person/online to Vancouver Aquarium/Science World etc. that would complement learning
    • find professional development that concurs with the science unit/find ways for Billy to observe other Grade 4 teachers during their unit teaching
  • Outline the role of TL and what Billy would need support on:
    • use of Microsoft Teams and create a channel for students and families
    • navigating  iPad presentation tools
    • support students using Google docs so students and teachers can support
    • connect with resource teachers (ELL/aboriginal support worker/LST) to help students with diverse needs
  • Map the activities and goals on a calendar and set up check-in dates with Billy to monitor progress and reflect on successes and concerns so as to adjust future activities and stay on track:
    • use of Teams chats to connect if unavailable for in-person.
    • reflect on how the use of technology has modified or redefined student and teacher learning.  
  • Discuss a way to celebrate Billy's learning and the student's learning:
    • provide a menu of choices like presenting to lower grades in the class
    • create a YouTube channel/iMovie of student learning for parents and school to include in the monthly newsletter to schools, send to the district for the district website, and share on district Twitter, school Instagram.
    • have an open house in the LC for students in the school to share with the rest of the community
    • Share in the staff meeting together how Billy and the TL collaborated and co-taught thus promoting collaboration in the school and the role of the TL within the community.
Innovation Configuration Map

"Once employees attain the collaboration level and work at that level for two years or more, they know its value and, given the opportunities and time to maintain and live out that disposition, will continue to seek and give collaborative support among their colleagues" (Loucks-Horsley, 1996).

Quite often term positions will find work elsewhere, but hopefully with a full year of support, Billy is able to seek a collaborative relationship with the TL at his next school to help further nurture reflection and growth.  The district also provides a robust two year Mentorship program for beginning teachers.


Marla has taught Grades 4 and 5 for most of her career.  She often says she has 5 more good years in her.  She is an experienced and confident educator that has worked in the Vancouver and now Langley school districts.  She brings with her a wealth of knowledge has been a mentor teacher for student teachers and recently graduated teachers, a union representative, and a professional development representative.  Marla has even led many professional development workshops in literacy and numeracy as she has received her Masters in education with a focus on literacy.  Arriving at a new school, she was well versed in using a Smart Board and many apps on the school iPads.  She had already requested a document camera and access to any coding bots within the first month of the school year.

Marla is at the Refinement level of use.  She had been given a set type of technology and has continued to learn more and more about it and how she could use them in her practice.  It can be argued that she is the most expert at using the Smart Boards, more so than the TL.  If Marla isn't working through her lunch, she will come into the LC for a "break" from the cacophony of Grade 4 and talk about what's working, and what's not, but also what she plans on doing to pivot for her students' and her needs.  She continues to evolve her practice and learning expectations based on the needs of her students.  

Marla is teaching long division and wants to incorporate the progress of student learning digitally so parents, Marla, resource teachers, and students themselves can have some insight into how the child learns.  She would like students to be able to collaborate and support each other.  She already incorporates Microsoft Teams as a shared platform amongst students and to bridge a connection between school and home. 

She truly is a hidden gem.  The staff is mostly new to each other because the K-5 school just opened last year.  With Covid restrictions in the first year, it has been a slow start to community building amongst the adults in the school.  The TL and Marla often brainstorm as an informal committee on acquisitions of intermediate resources for the LC.  She often voices an interest in collaboration with peers and the TL.  The goal here would be to move Marla from Refinement to Integration, where "the user is making deliberate efforts to coordinate with others in using the innovation" (Hord et al., 1987).

The Bridge

"...isolated employees in traditional, non-collaborative organizations are not likely to reach higher levels of professional practice and increased results because they are denied the day-to-day time needed to interact with and learn from their peers and colleagues" (LeJeune in Hord et al.).  The TL and Marla's casual daily run-ins provide an opportunity to be more structured and offer Marla the time and expertise to experiment with new innovations that she may want to try with her division (and multiplication) unit.  The trusting collegial relationship is safe, supportive, and mutual as clarified in the Bridge illustration.  Because there is no other hidden agenda but to provide another space like the LC and an extra instructor to help Marla take risks with her dynamic group of students.  She has often mentioned due to the large group, being in remedy with little EA support, and a large handful being very disregulated, it has been difficult for her to try new technology, let alone her previous inquiry projects.

The TL will support Marla in diverse ways:

  • Review Marla's unit plan and highlight areas she would like TL support be it time, resources, co-teaching, collaboration.
  • Set a timeline and goals for the next meeting.  Keep track of reflective information from student learning.  
    • What innovation skills had to be taught that were not previously addressed?  
    • Continue to revise the unit plan to its most effective activities.  
    • Keep in connection through e-mail/Teams chat.
  • Brainstorm a program/platform Marla would like to explore that is vetted by the district and also meet her goals for students to collaborate online and have access to at home:
    • eg) Microsoft Notebook, Teams, My BluePrint
  • Brainstorm a presentation app for students to demonstrate their learning that can be added to a portfolio that can be used for assessment and parent-teacher interviews, but also to share with other learners outside of the classroom, and hopefully outside of the school.
    • eg) Clips, Flipgrid, PenPal Schools, Mystery Skype
  • Explore ADST and literacy connections to further use TL's expertise.
  • At the end of the collaboration, take the time to meet with the administrator and discuss innovative resources needed for other teachers to be successful with using it in their classrooms, and present to the staff to promote the LC and TL collaboration.
    • If materials can be proven to be used and effective, administrators may be able to find funding  to further support the school community
If the SAMR model was incorporated into both Billy and Marla's plans, the TL would take into consideration that Billy is still in the substitution level where devices and apps are just a substitute for physical evidence of learning.  Marla has been using transformative techniques like modification to stretch students' learning to outside the classroom and makes technology an integral part of her unit planning.  She is looking for redefinition and discovery of more vast and efficient technology that will help students become independent, collaborative, inclusive learners.


Growth mindset is a hot topic in K-5.  No matter where you are on the spectrum of learning from non-use/awareness/substitution to refocusing/renewal/redefinition, with the barrage of technological innovations out there, and diverse perspectives in your school community, there is always room to move forward.

These are a couple of picture books that have supported the understanding of growth mindset and the power of "yet".  

penguin random house

Refering to Riedling's components of successful reference services parallels collaboration with various personalities and levels of experience and the evolution of each individual's practice (2013, p.4):

1. knowledge of the LC collection, both digital and physical, and tools.

2. communication skills that nurture genuine relationships with colleagues.

3. competence with selecting, acquiring, and evaluating resources to meet teacher and student's needs.


35, S. D. (n.d.). Instructional Services #Think 35 Library Learning Commons. Instructional services | #think35. Retrieved March 6, 2023, from 

Canadian School Libraries. (2014). What is a library learning commons? Leading Learning Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada. Retrieved March 6, 2023, from 

Deak & Ackerly. (2010). The Fantastic Elastic Brain. Public Press.

Heer, R. (n.d.). A model of learning objectives - center for excellence in learning and ... A Model of Learning Objectives. Retrieved March 7, 2023, from 

Loucks-Horsley, S. (n.d.). The concerns-based adoption model (CBAM): A model for change in individuals. The Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM): A Model for Change in Individuals. Retrieved March 7, 2023, from 

Reynolds, P. H. (2013). The Dot. Candlewick Press. 

Riedling, A. M., Houston, C., & Shake, L. (2013). Reference skills for the school librarian: Tools and tips. Linworth Publishing Company. 

SAMR model - technology is learning. Google Sites: Sign-in. (2014). Retrieved March 7, 2023, from 

Spires, A. (2017). The most magnificent thing. Kids Can Press. 

Terada, Y. (2020, May 4). A powerful model for understanding good tech integration. Edutopia. Retrieved March 7, 2023, from 

The Road to Learning. MiraVia. (2017). Retrieved March 7, 2023, from 

The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon . (2020). And the answer was, "We need braver leaders." 2:00 / 5:31 BrenĂ© Brown Reveals Which Four Skill Sets Make the Best LeadersYouTube. USA. Retrieved March 6, 2023, from

1 comment:

  1. Billy and Marla are lucky to have you supporting them! I really appreciate how specific you were with the steps you will take to support them. I am wondering though, do you have time to set that all up and work with them in your current schedule? Or would you need to advocate to have more time for collab/support? I find any time I am supporting teachers it's completely on my own time before and after school and it's tricky with planning and everything else to fit it all in!
